About Glocal Outreach

Glocal Outreach
Glocal Outreach’s main goal is to reach as many Souls for the Lord Jesus Christ with the Good News as possible. We are believing the Lord for millions of souls and decisions to be made to follow Jesus Christ.
Glocal Outreach is an international, interdenominational, evangelistic ministry and association setup as a non-profitable organization.
Glocal Outreach is committed to reaching the unreached, telling the untold and preaching the unpreached, locally and globally.
Glocal Outreach conducts various events to reach out to people, such as mass crusades, school outreaches, church meetings, tent meetings, open-air crusades, outreaches, conferences, special events,media and online outreaches.
Glocal means Local and Global combined. We therefore reach out to people both locally and globally. Glocal Outreach has offices in Australia and South Africa and continue to reach out to the world.
Glocal Outreach is founded by Evangelist Freddie & Karen van Rensburg, who report to a board of directors and board members.
Glocal Outreach is also committed to run with financial integrity and the books are audited once a year by an independant auditor.